Happy New Year to you all.

TCD is now in its 11th year, and I’m always amazed at how fast time flies.

WordPress and the website environment have changed over the past 11 years. 11 years ago, the popularity of WordPress was rapidly increasing, and there were still many people creating websites using HTML.

At that time, people thought of WordPress as a “blogging tool”. If you wanted to write a blog, WordPress would be convenient, right? That was the extent of the public’s awareness.

Now, what do you think?
Nowadays, it’s easier to build corporate, EC, and membership sites with WordPress, and you can produce better products. There are now many high-performance WordPress themes, and sites that would cost millions to produce can now be made for tens of thousands of yen.

This is an innovation in websites, and I think TCD has been able to play a part in helping to increase the value of websites.

Websites of the future will need to produce results. In today’s rapidly online world, attracting and monetizing customers through the Web is an indispensable means of business.

Design that excites the user, leads to monetization in an efficient manner, and actions that incorporate plenty of fun. These will win the hearts of viewers and build a good relationship with them.

We would like to continue our quest for websites that increase sales.