WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS (Content Management System). Using WordPress, you can create various types of websites including blogs, corporate sites, and online shops.

To use WordPress, you need a web hosting service and a domain name. Here are the steps to publish your WordPress site.

  1. Get a web hosting service
  2. Get a domain name
  3. Install WordPress on your web hosting (*explained in this article)
  4. Install a WordPress theme
  5. Complete initial setup
  6. Publish (Complete)

This article explains step 3: how to install WordPress on your web hosting service.
* This guide introduces services available in Japan.

There are two ways to install WordPress on your server: “Easy” and “Manual.” The difference lies in whether you can automate the creation of the database (MySQL) and the uploading of WordPress core files.

For beginners, we recommend the Easy Installation method.

Prepare a WordPress-compatible hosting server

First, you need to prepare a WordPress-compatible hosting server. While most hosting servers support WordPress, please note that some plans may not be compatible.

If you are planning to sign up for a hosting service, we recommend choosing one that includes an Easy Installation feature.

WordPress Hosting Services with Easy Installation (Japan)

Most major hosting providers offer WordPress Easy Installation feature.

Hosting Provider Name WordPress Easy Installation feature Description
XServer Yes ‐ No.1 Market Share in Japan
‐ Advanced, easy-to-use UI
‐ 20+ years of experience
Sakura Rental Server Yes ‐ Affordable pricing
‐ Stable and reliable
‐ Free trial available
ConoHa WING Yes ‐ Fast website loading speed
‐ No setup fees or minimums
Lolipop! Yes ‐ Low-cost pricing
‐ For beginners
‐ Free trial available
heteml Yes ‐ Large disk space
‐ High data transfer limit
‐ Slightly higher price

Please refer to this article when choosing a hosting service.

WordPress Easy Installation Guide

Instructions using XServer and SAKURA Rental Server as examples.

Using XServer

Here’s how to install WordPress using XServer‘s “Easy Installation” feature.

First, log in to your server control panel and select the domain you want to configure.

Log in to your control panel, select your domain, and click Easy Installation.

When you click “WordPress Easy Installation,” a domain confirmation screen will appear.

Domain Confirmation Screen

If the selected domain is correct, click “Select.”

When the next screen appears, select the WordPress Installation tab.

WordPress Installation

Confirm your domain and fill in the fields marked in red.

You can leave other settings at their default values, then proceed to the next screen.

Proceed to Confirmation

A confirmation screen will appear. Please check all the entered information carefully.

Final Confirmation Screen

If everything is correct, click the Install button.

Install Button

When you see the following screen, the installation is complete.

Installation Complete

Click the admin panel URL to verify. You should see the WordPress login screen.

Login Screen

WordPress Easy Installation is now complete.

Using SAKURA Rental Server

Here’s how to install WordPress using SAKURA Rental Server‘s Quick Installation feature.
Reference: https://help.sakura.ad.jp/rs/2161/

Follow these two steps:

  1. Create a new database
  2. Install WordPress

First, log in to your server control panel and proceed to WordPress installation.

WordPress Quick Installation on SAKURA Rental Server

On the next screen, proceed to database creation.

Database Creation Button

On the next screen, fill in the required fields marked in red and click “Create.”

Database Creation Screen

When the database is successfully created, you will return to the WordPress installation screen.

Database Creation Complete

The created database information will be displayed. Select the domain where you want to install WordPress. Since you cannot install WordPress on the primary domain, if you want to install it in a subdirectory, check the box as shown above and enter your desired path.

Scroll down and set your WordPress login credentials.

  • User Name
  • Password
  • E-mail Address

WordPress Login Information Fields

Finally, agree to the terms and click “Create.”

When you see the following screen, the installation is complete.

SAKURA Rental Server Auto-Installation Complete Screen

Click the admin panel URL and test if you can log in.

WordPress Login Page

WordPress Manual Installation Guide

To manually install WordPress, you will need an FTP client.

What is FTP Client?
An FTP client is software that uses File Transfer Protocol to transfer files to your server. This is necessary for uploading WordPress files to your server.

Recommended FTP clients include FileZilla, FFFTP, and Cyberduck.
>> Reference: https://tcd-theme.com/2016/07/ftp.html

Follow these 5 steps to manually install WordPress:

  1. Create database
  2. Download WordPress files
  3. Upload files to server via FTP
  4. Enter database information
  5. Enter site basic information

For this guide, we’ll use XServer as an example. While other hosting services may differ in small details, the basic installation steps remain the same, so please use this as a reference.

STEP1. Create database

First, create a database to store your WordPress site information. Log in to your XServer server panel.

MySQL Settings

After logging in, select your target domain and click MySQL Settings. This will take you to the MySQL configuration screen.

What is MySQL?
An open-source database management system.

Add MySQL Database

Click “Add MySQL”.

MySQL Database Name Settings

Enter the database name using alphanumeric characters and click “Proceed to Confirmation.” When the confirmation page appears, check the database name and click “Add” if correct. You will see the new database added to the list.

Now add a user to access the database. Click “Add MySQL User.”

Add MySQL User

Enter MySQL user ID and password, then click “Proceed to Confirmation” to add the user. Make note of the user ID and password in a text editor, as you will need this information later.

After adding the user, link the database with the user.

Link Database and User

From the “Users Without Access” dropdown menu, select the user you just added and click “Add.” This will link the database with the user and grant access permissions.

The database creation process is now complete.

STEP2. Download WordPress files

Download the latest WordPress files from the official website.

Download WordPress

After downloading, extract the ZIP file.

WordPress Files list

Upload the extracted files to your server.

STEP3. Upload files to server via FTP

Use an FTP client to upload WordPress files to your server.
For this guide, we’ll use FileZilla, which works on both Windows and Mac. The basic operation is similar for other FTP clients.

>> Download FileZilla here

Once you have downloaded and installed FileZilla, launch the application.

Enter the host, username, password, and port number

Enter the host, username, password, and port number to connect to your server. You can find this information in the email sent to you when you signed up for hosting.

FTP information

Enter “21” for the port number. Click “Quick Connect” after entering the information. If all information is correct, you will connect to the server.

After connecting to the server, click the directory for the domain where you want to install WordPress.

Selecting a Domain for WordPress Installation

Inside the domain directory, you should see a “public_html” directory.

Select public_html

“public_html” is the directory where you upload your website files. This is where you will upload the WordPress files.

There are two ways to upload WordPress files: directly to “public_html” or to a subdirectory within it.

For this guide, we’ll explain how to install WordPress in a subdirectory.
First, create a subdirectory with any name inside “public_html” (we used “blog”). Then upload all WordPress files to this subdirectory.

Upload all WordPress files

Wait for the upload to complete.

STEP4. Enter database information

Enter your “domain/subdirectory” URL in your browser’s address bar (example: http://xxxxxx.com/blog/)

The following page should appear.

Creating wp-config.php

Click “Let’s go!”

Database Information Entry

Enter the database name, username, and password you set up in STEP1. Create database. You can find the database host name on your server’s MySQL settings page. The table prefix can be changed if desired (default setting is fine).

After filling in all fields, click “Submit.”

Database Information Entry Complete

If you see this page, database setup is complete. Click “Run the installation” to proceed to entering your site information.

STEP5. Enter site basic information

As the final step, enter your site’s basic information.
Enter site basic information

Enter your site title, username, password, and email address. Don’t worry about the title and username as they can be changed later. Make note of your username and password as you’ll need them to log in to WordPress.

When you have filled in all fields, click “Install WordPress.”

WordPress Install finished

When you see this screen, the installation is complete. Click “Login”.

WordPress Login page

Enter your username (or email address) and password to log in to the WordPress admin panel (dashboard).

WordPress admin panel (dashboard)

The manual WordPress installation process is now complete.

Tasks After WordPress Installation

We have explained how to install WordPress.

With Easy Installation, the process takes less than a minute once you’re familiar with it. If your hosting service offers Easy Installation, we recommend using this method.

Manual installation is not a technical task that only engineers can do – it’s a good opportunity to intuitively understand how FTP clients and databases work. You might want to try it once.

Now that WordPress is installed, you can customize your site by:

TCD WordPress Theme

TCD themes are recommended WordPress themes that let beginners create their own websites.


WordPress Theme CANON

hotels, restaurants, and wedding venues



WordPress Theme ISSUE

corporate recruitment and company sites



WordPress Theme RIKYU

Online shops for any genre



WordPress Theme NULL

Cool Developer Blog
