Technical Inquiry

If you have any questions, please try the followings
  1. See manual of theme
  2. See the FAQ
  1. See How to Use WordPress
  2. See TCD LABO for how to customize

Technical Inquiry|FAQ

    Contact Form

    Please provide as much detail as possible so that we can provide smooth support.
    *Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

    Your name *

    Your email address *

    Re-enter your email address *

    Purchase date of the theme (MM/DD/YYYY) *

    / /

    Subject *

    Agency work *

    If you are doing agency work without an Extended License, please purchase it before contacting us.

    Please refer below for the definition of a self-owned site.

    If you purchased the theme under your name on behalf of your company or organization, please let us know.

    URL of website where theme is installed*

    *If there is no description, we may not be able to support.

    URL of page where error occurs

    Name of the theme you purchased *

    Sales and support for themes up to TCD029 have ended.

    Details of your inquiry *

    Example: In TCD Theme Options TCD Theme Options > Blog > Advanced Page Settings > Display Settings, I have unchecked "Show date above post title" but the date still shows up on the site. "

    Attachment: Please attach screenshots or files showing the issue if available (up to 2MB)

    Please enter in single-byte alphanumeric characters.