Extended License Inquiry

If you have any questions, please try the following first.
  1. Take a look at the manuals for each theme.
  2. See the FAQ

Extended License Inquiry|Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Form

Please provide as much detail as possible so that we can provide smooth support.
Fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.
Extended licenses can be purchased from the respective sales pages.https://tcd.cool/wp-tcd

Name of company or business
Your Name
Email address Re-enter your email address

Name of the theme in use

Zipcode Phone number
URL of your website Have you purchased a theme?
Email address used
when purchasing the theme
(If your email address is
different from the one you provided)
Listing on the national list of companies
with extended licenses
The information will be posted on the


Details of your inquiry

Please enter in single-byte alphanumeric characters.