A top page that fascinates everyone. Build a sophisticated website with trendy actions.
The top page is so important that it can determine the future of your business.
The top page is just like a bag. You can make the bag bigger or smaller. If it is small, you cannot expect it to expand. It is important to give shape to your thoughts and feelings on the top page, just like expanding a bag.
It has a header/footer with video, parallax, gallery carousel, and many other stylish features. Use your sense to convey the impression to first-time users that this service might be great.
Cool photos attract customers. A powerful gallery page creates a popular spot.
The key to any travel website is photography. Don’t say too much in words, but make it visually appealing. Stores that are successful in attracting customers through Instagram also have a lot of visual power.
In “meets”, we have a gallery page to create popular spots. The design of this page is great for both PC and mobile.
Just by showing a completed gallery, it has the power to make people want to visit the place.
Increase your media influence. Implement “Feature Page” for creating special content.
Blogs are not the only important part of the media. With “meets”, you can easily create pages for special contents such as features, conversations, interviews, etc.
The special feature page has a page structure that is more sizzling than a blog. You can also categorize the feature pages according to the type of article, such as an interview.
Please use “meets” to send out good taste information.
The footer raises the quality of every page. Increase the value of your site with eye-catching videos.
The footer of “meets” can display the same video or image on all pages (except LP). A subtle video in the background will stop the user’s eyes.
It tightens up the footer of the website in a cool way and at the same time improves the quality of ordinary pages. All pages can be tightened up with a footer.
You can also display a logo or text message on the video (image). The video can also be displayed on a smartphone, which is perfect for differentiating mobile sites.
You can send out content through blog and the latest information through news.
The strength of WordPress is that it is a CMS that specializes in building up archives with dynamic content such as blog. This is a fact that is very advantageous for SEO.
Themes have evolved along with WordPress. Even with this theme, a blog page that considers the inflow from search engines and SNS is the key to attracting customers. We also have a separate “news page” for news and press releases. Through this accumulation of information dissemination, the site will steadily gain the power to generate sales.
The design of the basic blog and news page, the operability, and the traffic flow of “meets” have been created with great attention to detail. It also has branding and monetization features to attract customers. Just install this theme and your blog will be upgraded.
Highly functional CTA that can even measure conversion rates and highly flexible LP contribute to sales.
TCD theme allows you to create landing pages with a high degree of flexibility. For example, you can create the following LP as a page.
・Landing Page (logo and header)
・Landing Page (logo, header, footer, width 800px)
・Landing Page (simple version, 900px wide)
The design can be flexibly adjusted according to the purpose of the page, such as placing advertisement, directing visitors from SNS, etc. Advanced marketing strategies can be created within the theme.
In addition, to ensure the success of your marketing strategy, there is the “CTA” function, which allows you to measure from impressions to clicks to conversions and even AB testing. You can register up to three CTAs in advance and display them randomly in the footer or at the bottom of the post, leaving only the CTAs with the best response to increase sales efficiently.
Perfect for viewing on a mobile phone. You can easily create a mobile site that works as comfortably as an app.
Reducing the content width to fit the device screen size will not make it beautiful. This is because it will result in a site with a strange balance.
The secret behind the popularity of TCD’s mobile design is simple. It’s because we take the time and effort to create mobile designs from scratch, not just make them responsive.
You can set different content for the top page and other important parts of the site for PC and smartphone. In other words, you can set different images and catchphrases. This will make your site look exceptional on a smartphone.
The blog is highly functional and can be easily customized with the TCD theme option.
TCD comes with its own theme option feature. This makes it easy to customize your WordPress site; even staff with no expertise in HTML, CSS, etc. can do all the initial setup and construction.
For example, simple customization such as replacing images and taglines, changing colors and font sizes, etc. can be done from the theme options.
Update management can be completed within the company. There is no need to outsource the management to an external production company.
Accelerate the Transition to Online
and Adapt to the New Era.
And one of the things that is required now is to go online. What to shift online depends on the product or service you are offering. However, the same is true for any business that is required to make its website the center of its marketing efforts.
This theme is designed to be used in companies related to tourism. It makes people feel the attraction of a place without having to be there.
I really hope that you can create a bright future with it.
The advanced features of TCD theme support your website.
- Top page header (image slider, video, Youtube)
- Drawer menu
- Header bar for displaying alerts
- Theme options management to complete all initial settings after installation
- Standard font (selectable from Arial, San Serif, and Times New Roman)
- Following and fixed display function of global menu (PC/Smartphone)
- New footer bar for smartphones
- Logo upload function (header, footer, mobile)
- Loading settings (logo, catchphrase, animation, and 3 other types)
- Custom CSS
- Custom Scripts
- Favicon setting
- Custom color function (main, sub, text color, hover color)
- Facebook OGP and Twitter Cards function
- 4 types of SNS buttons (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
- Adjust the size of registered eye catching images(regenerate thumbnails)
- “Meta title” and “meta description” can be set for each page
- Date, category, tag, contributor name and comment display function
- Multi-language support for administration screen (Japanese, English)
- New quick tags (Gutenberg compatible)
- Responsive design (PC, tablet, mini tablet, smartphone)
- Google Map custom pin markers with configurable logo
- Custom post type “NEWS”
- Custom post type “Featured Articles”
- Custom post type “Gallery”
- Heading support for vertical writing
- Detail page layout type (2-column left/right)
- Hover effect settings (zoom, slide, fade)
- Customization function for 404 page
- Designed protection page effective for member acquisition
- “Free space” can be inserted under the header
- CTA (footer, under article)
- CTA measurement function
- Native advertisement insertion function
- Page template “ Default“
- Page template “ Landing page“
- Original widget “Designed article list”
- Original widget “Google Custom Search”
- Original widget “Archive List”
- Original widget “Category List”
- Original widget “Ads (random display function)
- Higher speed settings (Emoji loading and code optimization)
- Breadcrumbs list with microdata format structured markup applied
WordPress theme “meets” (tcd086)
JPY 28,380 (tax included)

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*You can download the product from My Page after making a payment with a credit card or PayPal.
*If you use this product for client work, an “Extended License” is required (Term of Use).
*You will receive our free newsletter at your registered email address.
Required Environment
WordPress 6.X or higher and PHP version 7.4 or higher are required for the server environment.
For WordPress installation, see the official documentation.